Revan MacQueen

RL Core Techologies
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


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Revan MacQueen



Revan MacQueen

Hello! I am an ML Engineer at RL Core Technologies RL Core Technologies, working on developing RL agents for process control. Previously I was an ML Resident at Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii) .

I completed my master's at the University of Alberta Department of Computing Science and Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii) supervised by James R. Wright. Before that, I completed my BSc in Honors Computing Science at the University of Alberta.

Outside of research, I'm an avid outdoor adventurer and outdoor photographer. Check out some of my photos here.

Publications & Preprints [4] Guarantees for Self-Play in Multiplayer Games via Polymatrix Decomposability.
Revan MacQueen and James R. Wright
Neural Information Processing Systems 2023. Errata
1 minute technical summary
1 minute general audience summary

[3] Resmax: An Alternative Soft-Greedy Operator for Reinforcement Learning.
Erfan Miahi, Revan MacQueen, Alex Ayoub, Abbas Masoumzadeh, Martha White.
Transactions on Machine Learning Research 2023, to appear.

[2] Finding an Optimal Set of Static Analyzers To Detect Software Vulnerabilities.
Jiaqi He, Revan MacQueen, Natalie Bombardieri, Karim Ali, James R. Wright, Cristina Cifuentes.
IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution 2023.

[1] Game Theoretic Malware Detection.
Revan MacQueen, Natalie Bombardieri, James R. Wright and Karim Ali.
arXiv Preprint 2020

Presentations [3] Guarantees for Self-Play via Polymatrix Decomposability
Revan MacQueen
Thesis presentation.

[2] Game Theoretic Malware Detection.
Revan MacQueen, Natalie Bombardieri, James R. Wright and Karim Ali
Presented to Oracle Labs Australia

[1] Fixing Neural Networks with Solver-Aided Languages
Revan MacQueen, Julian Dolby and Karim Ali
Poster presentation, ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity

Research Experience
Graduate Research Assistantship Fellowship - University of Alberta, Amii 2021–2023
Supervisor: Dr. James R. Wright
•Researched machine learning and multiagent-generalization in general-sum, multiplayer games.

Machine Learning Intern - Amii Sep. 2021–Jan. 2022
Supervisor: Talat Iqbal
•Partnered with an industrial client in implementing a reinforcement learning based hyperparameter tuning system for transformer models. Feedback from client: "this partnership is a huge success and substantial progress has been made in demonstrating the potential of using RL"

Research Assistant - University of Alberta May 2020–Sep. 2020
Supervisors: Dr. James R. Wright & Dr. Karim Ali
•Developed game theoretic model of malware detection, used to find optimal detection strategies.

Teaching Experience
Machine Learning Facilitator (WILO), Amii Nov. 2022–March. 2023
• Delivered Amii's introductory machine learning course, ML Foundations. Part of Amii's Work Integrated Learning Opportunity (WILO) program.

Program Delivery Support - Facilitation (WILO), Amii Nov. 2022–March. 2023
•Acting as a breakout room facilitator for the Canadian Information Office Strategy Council's Ethics Workshop. Part of Amii's Work Integrated Learning Opportunity (WILO) program.

Teaching Assistant - CMPUT 421: Experimental Mobile Robotics Jan. 2022–Dec. 2022
Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Taylor
•Developed course content and helped instruct senior robotics class.

First People's House Tutor, University of Alberta 2022
• Provide assistance with difficult homework and explain challenging concepts to undergraduare computing science students.

Teaching Assistant - CMPUT 366: Intelligent System Jan. 2022–Dec. 2022
Supervisor: Dr. James R. Wright
•Helped instruct artificial intelligence survey class.

Students Union Tutor, University of Alberta 2019–Dec. 2020
•Tutored undergraduate computing science students.